Time Attendance Software is a software which captures employees TIME IN & TIME OUT from our biometric time recorder and it calculates the useful information like Lateness, Overtime, allowances, etc... This information can be uploaded into the Payroll software to calculate the salary information.
This version has advanced features like Concurrent Multi User Access, Multi Company, unlimited employees and working pattern, Leave Module, Management Analysis Reports, Customized Report Writer, Audit Trial, auto link to our Payroll System.
The Greatest advantages of our software is Single database solution. i.e. our Time Attendance, Payroll, Leave and HR software's shares the same SQL SERVER database. So any new input or modifications in one software module will automatically updates with other modules.
Daily attendance report Staff details | (IN, OUT, late, overtime, leave taken, REST days, allowance, etc..) on daily basis. |
Individual attendance report | whole month details (IN, OUT, late, overtime, leave taken, REST days, allowance, etc..) for an individual employee in one A4 paper. |
Consolidated reports | Consolidates the Late comers, Early Leavers, Absents & missed out punching |
Lateness summary report | Only shows the late comers on that selected date |
Performance Report | Monthly & Yearly wise employee late hour, no of times late, Absent, Unpaid leave taken, Medical leave taken. |
Attendance Ratio Report | Number of employee present on every day and attendance ratio for it. |
Working hours summary report | Month end summary of Lateness, OT hours, allowances, deductions and leaves type |
Movement report | Movement of an employee |
Reason Report | Month end summary of Lateness, OT hours, allowances, deductions and leaves type |
Exception report | Reports for exceptional cases. |
Leave taken summary | No. of days & details of leave taken for every staffs. It shows the Earn, UN Earn. Taken, Balance of Annual & Medical Leaves |
Leave Consolidate | Consolidate total number of leave taken for every employee |
Hourly Rate Summary Report | Payroll calculation report for hourly rated employees. |