
We offer Logistic Services are available as per the specific requirements of the customers to make sure timely and safe delivery of the consignment to the unambiguous customer location. Our logistic service provides very well skilled latest technology, which enables them to meet the client’s requirements with utmost efficiency. These services clients can avail from us at affordable price.

AADIRA TRANS is committed to providing clients with industry leading information about their cargo regardless of inventory type or distribution model. We see our role as not only a logistics services company but also increasingly an information provider.

AADIRA TRANS provides innovative supply chain management solutions for warehousing, in-route cargo tracking, electronic customs clearance, and formalities compliance – all with an unparalleled level of service.

When visibility and accountability are vital to your operations, AADIRA TRANS provides the information technology solution that meets your needs.

From procurement through shipping AADIRA TRANS manages your supply chain in accordance with industry best practices and with detailed transaction auditing at every step. AADIRA TRANS cargo management provides the comprehensive solution your organization needs.